joan divine

Thank you for visiting my website.
I am a former model and now work as a photographer which is my passion.
I was born into an ordinary family in a small town in Denmark, and it was not written in the stars that I should achieve becoming a model and even a playboy model.
My modeling career started already when I was 16 years old with a little fashion modeling work, but I am a girl full of energy and adventurous, so it quickly became boring and I wanted something more.
I started my career as a glamor pin-up model in Danish newspapers as a page 9 girl (known in England as a page 6 girl.
At one point I went to the US to explore the middle world with a top photographer and I traveled to several countries in Europe and in addition to getting in a lot of different magazines (some of them you can see here on the website) I got the honor to come in Playboy magazines at the age of 29 and again as a 33-year-old.
Modeling gave me a lot of experience and I learned a lot from some of the best photographers in the world and I knew it was the photographer job that was going to be my further careers when I stopped as a model. I started taking classes and experimented with taking pictures of other girls.
Over the years I was respected as a photographer and have provided photos and many cover photos for magazines, newspapers and even TV and movies over the years.
I’m a creative girl, and love to experiment with images and lighting etc, but the classic style is also part of my work.
Models, photography, covers are my passion, I hope you can see it on my gallery and say thank you for following my web page.
Feel free to contact me if you see that my photos, style and not least experience and creative insights can do something for you.